木曜日, 1月 11, 2018

Plot in Julia ; How to set mesh sizes in marginalhist of StatPlot.

To plot data in marginal histogram by marginalhist() of StatPlot.jl in Julia,

The iris example in default setting, it displays as follows.

using RDatasets, StatPlots
iris = dataset("datasets","iris")

@df iris marginalhist(:PetalLength, :PetalWidth)

To set mesh sizes more fine using by bins.

@df iris marginalhist(:PetalLength, :PetalWidth, bins=30)

Another examples.

The default one.

using StatPlots
c=10000; marginalhist(randn(c), randn(c))

To set mesh sizes more fine using by bins.

using StatPlots
c=100000; marginalhist(randn(c), randn(c), bins=50)